Smt. T.R.Balamani ...a par excellent teacher in teaching Carnatic Music in Purest form so many years .She has universally spread performing disciples and there is no word to say about her way of teaching music to the students....
A born teacher and patron of Carnatic Music. She born in a family of music lovers and she is blessed disciple of eminent Vidvans Sri.Musiri Subramania Iyer, Sri. TK.Govinda Rao, Sri. Tiruppampuram Swamynatha Pillai and many more stalwarts of Carnatic Music.
The Manodharma of her music and rendition of raga finds no limit till one stops her...the imagination and patterns are all new everytime and emebellishes the ragas much in deep.
The raga takes its swaroopa when the great guru handles it ,for e.g. one can feel the rasaa attached to the raga Neelambari 100% when she sings or teaches to students..its marvellous..we can feel the raga devata infront ..such is the purity of her Music. Whoever may be the composer..she can just bring life n beauty to it by just reproducing the notation.
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